Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Download BANKE SHINOBI NO DEN Study and Training by José F. Defez Gómez pdf

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"Banke Shinobi No Den Study and Training" allows readers to learn about the different training methods of the Shinobi No Mono, especially the study and training of the teachings transmitted to the Ban family of Kôka. José Defez, in this his second book, deals with the following topics: · Shinobi and Bujutsu - Empty Hand Techniques · Shinobi and Bujutsu - Techniques with Weapons (Katana, Bakken (Iai), Kodachi, Kusarigama) · Shinobi and Bujutsu - Use of unusual tools and weapons. (Kanawa, Sageo) · Shinobi No Den-Wakanpo: Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine and traditional methods for our health. · Shinobi-Mind Training: Breathing, Esoteric methods of self-protection, Kujikiri, Hayakuji. · Shinobi-Body Training: Hardening of the body, the 5 senses, Shinobi walking methods. · Ancient Shinobi Tactics and Techniques: Sanmunin (The three "No" of the Shinobi), Methods of climbing walls, swimming, Igadama, teachings of Kawakami-Soshike. It is the first book where they detail and explain both combat techniques and other techniques, methods and trainings of the Shinobi No Mono. With this book, you can learn the methods of study and training of the "BANKE SHINOBI NO DEN.
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