Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Requirements for an MDM Solution: A proven approach for how to gather, document, and manage requirements for a Master Data Management solution from Inception through Implementation download .pdf by Vicki McCracken

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Working on Requirements for a Master Data Management solution and looking for thoughts on how to approach the requirements?
The focus of this guide is to highlight a proven approach for requirements gathering and documentation for Master Data Management solutions. Requirements gathering and documentation activities are similar, regardless of the type of solution. What differs is the approach, the emphasis of specific activities, and the content of work products. MDM projects do not come along often; this guide can serve as a roadmap for how to approach requirements for an MDM solution. 

The guide begins with a brief overview of Master Data Management. The guide then steps through the requirements activities and work products for each Solution Development Lifecycle phase. The requirements work products are described, along with an example of each work product. Below is a summary of the phases and primary work products produced:Alignment: where the Business Requirements, including solution Features are defined 
Solution Scoping: where the Solution Requirements, including Information.
Requirements for an MDM Solution: A proven approach for how to gather, document, and manage requirements for a Master Data Management solution from Inception through Implementation books pdf online
Requirements for an MDM Solution: A proven approach for how to gather, document, and manage requirements for a Master Data Management solution from Inception through Implementation pdf
Requirements for an MDM Solution: A proven approach for how to gather, document, and manage requirements for a Master Data Management solution from Inception through Implementation by Vicki McCracken ebook pdf epub mobi
Requirements for an MDM Solution: A proven approach for how to gather, document, and manage requirements for a Master Data Management solution from Inception through Implementation download

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