Friday, March 30, 2018

Race for the Flash Stone (The Anlon Cully Chronicles) (Volume 2) Download PDF By K Patrick Donoghue

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In this thrilling archaeological mystery, scientist Anlon Cully hunts for evidence of a long-forgotten civilization, a race of ancient mariners who possessed a sixth-sense lost to the ages — the ability to detect and interact with the Earth’s magnetic field. With this special gift, the prehistoric civilization crafted stone tools with astonishing powers. Inexplicably, the advanced culture vanished from the pages of history…until a set of their special stones was discovered by Anlon’s uncle, archaeologist Devlin Wilson. Devlin was brutally murdered, leaving behind the stones and a set of confounding clues. An ancient map, a curious statue and three cryptic journals. Somehow, the clues are linked. But how? That’s the puzzling mystery Anlon must solve. And time is not on his side…for there are others seeking to solve the same riddle…heartless fiends who crave the most fearsome of the magnetic stones…the Flash Stone. Forged as a building tool, the Flash Stone can cut and shape rock with astounding precision. In the wrong hands, however, it can be wielded as a horrifying weapon. And it is endowed with.
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