Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Last Letter Download PDF By Scott Fields

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From her watery grave at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Titanic, yet today, guards secrets of the past. A woman reportedly died that fateful night when the Titanic sunk, and yet she lived until the year 1995. Why did she feign her death all those years ago, and now, after she's gone, why is she trying to send a message to the living? This is an untold story of the Titanic that has been kept secret for over eighty years. THE LAST LETTER tells a tale of two people drawn together by the hand of a woman neither had ever met. Together, they set out to fulfill the unconsummated relationship of two people who met and fell in love over eighty years before. THE LAST LETTER is a moving account of enduring love, laced with humor and filled with the warm sentiment of eternal devotion. It touches the very heart of a relationship between a man and a woman, and allows us to see the tragedy and the happiness it brings.
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